This beautiful old building on Park ave. was destroyed in a fire last week. I wrote about this building last year, by specifically mentioning how these types of buildings should be preserved since they are becoming instinct. See article. It's so depressing. The city doesn't care about its history.
Ce bel immeuble ancien sur l'avenue du parc a été détruit dans un incendie la semaine dernière. J'ai écrit à propos de ce bâtiment l'année dernière, en mentionnant spécifiquement comment ces types de bâtiments devraient être préservés, car ils deviennent rare. Voir l'article. C'est tellement déprimant. La ville ne se soucie pas du tout de son histoire.
I was always completely dumbstruck that that building wasn't a jewel of that block. It really should have been. And now it's gone. Coming up: a bland, cheap condo. Or, equally bad, a badly-designed cheap condo. Brown or beige.