The long abandoned lobster restaurant on Mackay was demolished a couple of months ago. The little shack-like building (photo below) was apparently there since 1892 but others say the restaurant itself was built in the 1950s. I'll do a 'Before / After' once the scintillating new building is built there.
Le restaurant homard longement abandonné de la rue Mackay a été démoli il y a quelques mois. La petite cabane (photo ci-dessous) était apparemment là depuis 1892 mais d'autres disent que le restaurant lui-même a été construit dans les années 1950. Je ferai un 'Avant / Après' une fois que le nouveau bâtiment scintillant sera construit là.
When I left Montreal in 1997, Desjardins had already been closed for years. I never ate there but it must have been a good restaurant at one time. My mom and I always used to eat at the Bar B Barn across the street. There must have been some kind of family dispute over the property for it to have sat vacant and undeveloped for so many years. I'm sure another ugly condo tower will go up and it'll probably be called the Desjardins tower.