The changing face of St-Henri - L'évolution de Saint-Henri
The district of Saint-Henri is going through a staggering number of big changes these days. There are so many construction projects, completed, new or upcoming, that it's almost impossible to keep track. For example, on rue Sainte-Marguerite, I believe there are 5 or 6 projects on that street alone. What does it mean to the community? I'll keep this page updated with every new posts on the district.
Le quartier de Saint-Henri passe par un nombre impressionnant de grands changements ces jours. Il y a tellement de projets de construction, achevée, nouveaux ou à venir, qu'il est presque impossible de suivre. Par exemple, sur la rue Sainte-Marguerite, je crois qu'il y a cinq ou six projets sur cette rue. Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour la communauté? Je vais garder cette page à jour avec tous les nouveaux articles sur le quartier.
- Purple dots are new projects or newly abandoned buildings announced and/or observed in 2012
- Turquoise dots are new projects, in progress or completed or announced, or newly abandoned or observed in 2013
- Lime green dots = 2014
- Orange dots are abandoned or burned down buildings
- Green dots = heritage site
- Points rouges sont de nouveaux projets, en cours ou terminés ou annoncées, observées en 2011
- Points violets sont de nouveaux projets ou abandonnés bâtiments nouvellement annoncées et / ou observés en 2012
- Points turquoise sont de nouveaux projets, en cours ou terminés ou annoncés, ou nouvellement abandonnés ou observés en 2013
- Points verts limes = 2014
- Points orange sont abandonnées ou des bâtiments brûlés
- Points verts = site patrimoniale
(pour des raisons de design, les descriptions de points sont en anglais seulement)
01 - Turcot Interchange - to be demolished
02 - Multiple new condo projects on Philippe-Lalonde (part 1) - partially completed; still constructing
03 - New block-wide condo project on St-Ambroise (part 2) - completed
04 - Block-wide condo project on St-Ambroise (part 3) - completed
05 - Condemned building on Chemin de la Côte-Saint-Paul and rue Sainte-Marie
06 - Condemned building on Chemin de la Côte-Saint-Paul and rue Sainte-Clotilde
07 - Abandoned/renovated house on Bourassa and Turcot - recently renovated
08 - Condemned building on Chemin de la Côte-Saint-Paul
09 - Rundown former Molson Bank; the interior is apparently used as a storage place but the exterior is rundown
10 - Abandoned small house on Turcot; demolished and tree cut in November 2012
11 - Abandoned small house on Turcot; to be demolished for new condos - UPDATED
12 - Loft St-Remi - to be demolished this winter
13 - Building on Walnut street that's completely gone
14 - Empty garage-type building on Walnut street
15 - Building on St-Remi street, just at the edge of Saint-Henri - to be demolished
16 - Empty, abandoned business on St-Ambroise; updated
17 - Empty, abandoned garage on St-Ambroise; updated
18 - New condo project on Butternut - completed
19 - Abandoned Canada Malt factory
20 - Small house demolished for new condo project on Delinelle and Sainte-Emilie - completed
21 - New condo project on Delinelle where there used to be an empty lot - completed
22 - Building on Therien, partially gutted by fire - incomplete
23 - Former location of Sainte-Elizabeth church, now a huge condo/apartment complex - completed
24 - Building destroyed by fire; new condo project built there; corner of Beaudoin and St-Ambroise - COMPLETED
25 - New condo building on St-Philippe; a garage used to be there - completed
26 - Fairly big condo building on Ste-Marguerite that replaced a garage- completed
27 - New condo project on St-Philippe; a small house used to be there - completed
28 - New condo building on Ste-Marguerite, built on empty lot next to small house - completed
29 - Abandoned apartment on the corner of St-Philippe and Ste-Emilie
30 - Abandoned and crumbling small house on St-Philippe - currently being demolished
31 - Abandoned dilapidated building on Louis-Cyr - Updated: demolished
32 - New construction on Ste-Marguerite that's been going on for some time - incomplete
33 - Two buildings ; one was recently sold while the other one, empty, is on the market
34 - Pizza restaurant demolished, replaced with condo project - in construction
35 - New building, shops and condos, on the corner of Notre Dame and Aquin/Ste-Marguerite - completed
36 - New building on the corner of Notre-Dame and Aquin/St-Philippe - almost completed
37 - Former beauty shop on the corner of St-Ferdinand and N.D. - to be demolished
38 - Big empty lot next to St-Ferdinand - unknown
39 - Burned grey stone house on the corner of Lacasse and St-Jacques: demolished in April 2012
40 - Garage demolished for new condo project on the corner of St-Jacques and Ste-Marguerite - construction on going The project is now COMPLETED
41 - Theatre Cartier - unspecified renovations going on right now
42 - Massive condo project on Maria st. - COMPLETED
43 - New condo building replacing burned down small apartments on St-Augustin - completed
44 - New condo project to be built on empty lot on Avenue Laporte - Completed (updated)
45 - Abandoned building on rue de Richelieu
46 - Destruction of building on Bourget; might be renovation - condo project completed
47 - Abandoned, empty building on Rosa de Lima; currently being demolished (Late November 2012); still ongoing
48 - New project announced on St-Jacques where former Simpson warehouse used to be - Cancelled?
49 - Les Jardins Westmount; officially a Westmount project but next to Saint-Henri - announced for some time now..update: name changed to Selby
50 - New condos on De Richelieu ; updated
51 - CineFilms building renovated, floors added for condos
52 - Famous depanneur on Ste-Emilie and Bourget demolished; updated
53 - New construction on the corner of St-Ambroise and Turgeon (update : completed)
54 - Alleyway (Collecteur Saint-Pierre) Woonerf project
55 - Triplex on Ste-Emilie and Turgeon: demolished
56 - Former Garda offices converted into condos
57 - 6 apartments boarded up on Acorn and Delinelle; updated: apartments demolished
58 - New condos on Ste-Emilie near St-Remi street
59 - Garage renovated and quadruplex almost abandoned
60 - Small house demolished on Ste-Marguerite
61 - Heritage site on Rose de Lima; targeted by developers
62 - Small project on Ste-Emilie
63 - Demolished small house and garage on Bourget (actually completed in 2011, with red dot)
64 - Small house demolished on Sainte-Marie
65 - Fourplex on Beaudoin
66 - Small house on St-Augustin
67 - Triplex on St Antoine (off screen)
68 - Renovated dwelling on Saint-Antoine
69 - Renovated duplexes on Saint-Ambroise
70 - Renovated small House on Saint-Ambroise
71 - New Duplex on Ste-Emilie - completed
72 - Houses renovated into single dwelling on Saint-Philippe
73 - Duplex for sale on Saint-Ambroise
This Changing Face of St-Henri continues in PART 2
The numbers next to the posts below correspond to the numbers on the map
Les numéros à côté des articles ci-dessous correspondent aux numéros sur la carte ci-dessus---------------
No 69 - Renovated duplexes on Saint-Ambroise
Two duplexes on Saint-Ambroise in Saint-Henri being renovated simultaneously. Photo taken back in September 2013. I'll take a photo of the result this upcoming spring or summer.
Deux duplex sur Saint-Ambroise dans Saint-Henri en cours de rénovation simultanément. Photo prise en Septembre 2013. Je vais prendre une photo des résultats ce printemps ou cet été.
No 68 - Before and After : Renovated dwelling on Saint-Antoine
Before and After set: on Saint Antoine street (between Lacasse and Sainte-Marguerite) in Saint-Henri : a rundown Old dwelling (an extension it seems) was renovated. Just to show the old vs the new. The tree was also removed.
Avant et après : sur la rue Saint-Antoine (entre Lacasse et Sainte-Marguerite) dans Saint-Henri: une vieille demeure délabrée (une extension parait-il) a été rénové. Juste pour démontrer l'ancien vs la nouveau. L'abre a aussi été déraciné.No 67 - Boarded-up: Triplex on St-Antoine st
This triplex on St Antoine st in Saint-Henri was boarded-up for renovations and was on the market with a big Royal LePage billboard on the front yard. The units were being sold as condos. Gentrification in Saint-Henri continues at a fast pace.
Ce triplex sur la rue St Antoine à Saint-Henri a été barricadé pour des rénovations et il était sur le marché avec un grand panneau de Royal LePage sur la cour d'avant. Les unités étais à vendre séparément comme condo. L'embourgeoisement à Saint-Henri se poursuit à un rythme rapide.
No 66 - Boarded-up: Small house on Saint-Augustin

This small house on Saint-Augustin street in Saint-Henri was a mess back in August of 2013. Broken windows, the shattered pieces left on the grounds surrounding the house. Windows boarded-up, etc. It looked like it was vandalized.
Cette petite maison de la rue Saint-Augustin à Saint-Henri a été un gâchis en Août 2013. Fenêtres brisées, des éclats laissés sur le terrain entourant la maison. Fenêtres barricadées, etc. La maison semblait etre vandalisée.

No 65 - Boarded-up: Fourplex on Beaudoin street
This fourplex on Beaudoin street in Saint-Henri was boarded-up, for renovations or demolition? I dunno. Once I'll be in the neighborhood I'll check it out and see what they did to it. Photos taken in August 2013.
Ce quadruplex sur la rue Beaudoin à Saint-Henri a été barricadé, pour des rénovations ou démolition? Je ne sais pas. Une fois que je serai dans le quartier, je vais vérifier et voir ce qu'ils ont fait. Photos prises en Août 2013.
No 64 : Vanishing small house on Sainte-Marie
This empty lot is what's left of a small house that used to be there on Sainte-Marie in Saint-Henri. I don't have a picture of said house but you can see a glimpse of it in the Google Streetview screenshot below.
The photo directly below was taken in March 2013 with bin and portable toilet still present while they finished demolishing the small house.
(image: google streetview)
No 47: Long-abandoned building on Rose de Lima gutted
The long abandoned building on Rose de Lima street in Saint-Henri (mentioned November 2011 here) is being gutted right now. Here are some of the images of the inside and of the skeletal structure being gradually brought down.
This will be my last post on Saint-Henri for a while, unless something major happens.
No 10 : Small house + old tree on Turcot
This long abandoned small house was demolished and the old tree in front of it was cut on Turcot street in Saint-Henri. The photo above was taken in the summer of 2011. The photo directly below was taken a week ago. The 4th photo was taken in spring 2012. The house was replaceable but it's a shame they had to cut the tree. You can see the cut tree trunk in photo no 3.
(image above: google streetview)
No 57: Update: Multiple apartments demolished on Acorn and Delinelle
The two-storey apartment building (already posted here), on the corner of Acorn and Delinelle in Saint-Henri, was boarded up last spring and it was demolished just a few weeks ago. That's fast.
No 63: Before and After: vanishing small house + garage
(image above: google streetview)
This small house and garage on Bourget in Saint-Henri were demolished for a condo project (below). This was completed in early in 2011 and I just noticed that I forgot to include it last year. So here it is. Better late than never. Double whammy: vanishing small house and garage.
No 62: Small project on Ste-Emilie
A small construction project was started in lieu of a small yard on Ste-Emilie in Saint-Henri, just on the other side of where the depanneur was demolished. The real estate market is so hot that any piece of land that's available is hot property. I was there in September 2012 and the project was almost completed but I can't find the photos of this but here are some photos taken last spring.
(image above: google streetview)
No 52: Former famous depanneur and cornicheThe depanneur on the corner of Ste-Emilie and Bourget in Saint-Henri was demolished last Winter 2012 (link). I took the two first photos back in April 2012 and the last time I was in the same area, August and September 2012, nothing was changed. I did find the corniche in some backyard (photos taken in August). It was somewhat preserved but it was in such a bad shape that I doubt it'll be saved.
No 61: Heritage site targeted by developers
This small house on Rose de Lima in Saint-Henri is considered a heritage site, or patrimoniale, but even though it is deemed with such a prestigious status this hasn't stopped condo developers from asking the owner how much he's willing to sell the house for, mostly for the big chunk of land around and behind it. Tired of the constant offers, the owner placed this printed message on the front door to ward off those pesky developers. The image below was taken last year, before the message was placed. Crazy stuff.
No 60: Small house demolished on Ste-Marguerite
This nice small house on Ste-Marguerite street in Saint-Henri was raised to the ground this summer for what is probably another condo project. It looked pretty good in 2009 (image below) and I love that beaver detail on the top front of the house.
If you look carefully behind the house on the left there's another even smaller house in the backyard.
(image above and below: google streetview)
No 59: Renovation and abandonment on Bourget
A garage is getting a new addition and a small quadruplex is partially abandoned on Bourget street in Saint-Henri. The garage on the left is being renovated with two new levels being added to it and the small St-Henri-style quadruplex is almost abandoned with only one apartment being rented (at the time these photos were taken). I have no information on what's in store for it but looking at the grafitti it doesn't bode well.
No 16 and 17: Large piece of land cleared for new projects
The immense piece of land which used to have two abandoned business on it has now been cleared of those two dilapidated buildings and is ready for more massive condo projects. This is on St-Ambroise street in Saint-Henri. I've already covered this area in previous posts. You can view one at this link. Photos number 3 and 4 were taken this past summer.
(image above: google maps)
What's in blue is the large piece of land cleared and ready for new construction. In red is the small project on Ste-Emilie (see post below) and in yellow is Butternut street being covered with grass and is a continuation of the new Woonerf project taking place on the other side of rue St-Remi.
No 58: New project on Ste-Emilie
New construction project on Ste-Emilie street, near St-Remi street, in Saint-Henri. There was a very small empty piece of land (see the last image from Google streetview) and they decided to build this two-storey condo project there. They also changed the surrounding area, removing a road and making a part there, which is cool.
(image above: google streetview)
No 45: Abandoned/crumbling building on De Richelieu
New set of photos of the crumbling, abandoned building near De Richelieu street in Saint-Henri. I've already posted something about this almost 2 years ago (here) but this time I had a better digital camera. As the last photo shows, the crumbling building sits next to new condo projects.
Note: I've been unusually quiet about Saint-Henri for a while now. There's a reason for that: there are few projects going on right now or this past summer BUT I need to do an update on many projects which started last summer and will show the completed or near completed state of those projects. I'll do most of those updates and the few new projects in one swoop. So stay tuned on stuff on Saint-Henri.
No 50: Before and After : rue de Richelieu
(image: google streetview)
An overdue update on a condo project built on De Richelieu street in Saint-Henri which I've already noted at the CHANGING FACE OF SAINT-HENRI permanent page but didn't have a photo of the building. So here it is. This is just in front of the crumbling and abandoned building noted above.
No 57: Boarded up apartments on Acorn and Delinelle
Couple of two storey buildings have been boarded up on Acorn and Delinelle streets in Saint-Henri. Last time I was there these apartments where not boarded up and people still lived there but the entire place was up for sale. I guess this is the result. There are (or were) 6 apartments in total there. When I was there last year and initially saw the empty lots around it (one of which was up for sale) I knew this place was doomed: you can see the empty lot on Delinelle street in the top two photos and the big empty lot on Acorn in the last photo. Empty space = condos.
As a side note, a condo complex was completed there last year on Delinelle, just on the other side of the street, as noted here. When I walked by there this past April, the new condo building was still 3/4s empty. Acorn is next to a train track.
No 11: Before and After: Small house on Turcot st
This small, typical Saint-Henri style house on Turcot street was abandoned for many years and only recently demolished making way for new condos. I took the Before photos last late summer.
No 40: New condo @ former garage
This is the new condo building that replaced the garage on the corner of St-Jacques and Ste-Marguerite in Saint-Henri.
No 56: Former Garda building on St-Jacques
This gorgeous building on St-Jacques, between Bourget and Rose De Lima, will be converted into condos, named LA MACHINERIE. Garda's offices were situated there for a couple of decades. On the top floor there used to be a halfway house for aboriginal criminals called Waseskun House, which previous to this location was situated in Pointe-Saint-Charles at this abandoned building. Back in 1997, I worked at Waseskun House for 2 months as a security guard. I used to give walks to inmates all over Montréal. The photo below shows the back court. Part of the old red brick building with the chimney is this abandoned building on Rose de Lima, which was supposed to have been demolished years ago.
THE GAZETTE has an article about the sector and the former Garda building is featured in the article (see next post below).
No 51: CineFilms building on St-Jacques and Irene
The CineFilms building, a solid looking building on the corner of St-Jacques and Irene streets in Saint-Henri, is getting a major facelift, including floors added on top of it for new condos. The last image shows how it's supposed to look like.

No 54: Alleyway (Collecteur Saint-Pierre) Woonerf project
Nothing much to say except that the first steps of the project have started last fall.
No 55: Triplex on Ste-Emilie and Turgeon
The triplex on the corner of Ste-Emilie and Turgeon, next to the depanneur, has also been demolished. As you can see in the photos in the Depanneur post below, the triplex was still standing when they demolished the corner store and its adjoining building. A recent quick visit in the neighborhood showed the triplex, which was in bad state for many years, is now also gone. In the photo of the depanneur I took in 2008 you can see that the triplex was missing a porch even back then. The photo above was taken in November 2011
No 53: New Construction on Turgeon and St-Ambroise
New construction on the corner of Turgeon and St-Ambroise in Saint-Henri. Nothing much to report as the new construction has been built on an empty lot/yard. The two top photos are before, taken last fall, and the two bottom photos are current.
No 13: Vanished building on Walnut st
The building seen below used to be on Walnut street. Today it's an empty lot. I have no idea what business used to be there.
(image above and below: google streetview)
(image above: google streetview)
No 14: Single level garage type building on Walnut st
This single level structure on Walnut street in Saint-Henri was closed/empty/abandoned when I was there in August. There was a note on the door on the other side telling folks they've moved in Ville St-Laurent. This is just next to the building on Walnut street that disappeared. Will it share the same fate?
No 10: Vanishing small house on Turcot st
Small abandoned house on Turcot street in Saint-Henri. Apparently there was recent changes there so I need to go back and see what was done to it.
Amazing tree in the front yard!
Amazing tree in the front yard!
No 7: Renovated house on Bourassa and Turcot
This small house on Bourassa and Turcot in Saint-Henri was abandoned and in ruins but was recently renovated into a three unit house. Very nice. One of the few renovations in the area which kept the Saint-Henri look.
It used to be a two-unit house but they squeezed in an extra condo/apartment, which is not so nice. Must be small units on the second floor. But I still like it. Cool stuff.
No 15: Building on St-Remi st
This building on St-Remi street, situated just at the edge of NDG and Saint-Henri, will be demolished, victim of the Turcot Interchange demolition project.
No 23: Condos on land of former St-Elizabeth church
Big and oppressive new combo condo/apartment building where the Saint-Elizabeth church used to be on De Courcelle and St-Jacques. It was also known as the Sainte-Elisabeth du Portugal. You can view images of the church's demolition at this website. The church itself wasn't the most beautiful ever built but wow what a change. After the church was demolished, the land stood empty for a couple of years (as seen below in the google streetview image) before this delicate condo thingy was built.
(photo credit unknown)
(image above: google streetview)
No 2: Multiple condo projects on Philipe-Lalonde (part 1)
Multiple condo projects completed (below) or still in construction (above) on a relatively new street, rue Philippe-Lalonde, in Saint-Henri. The entire St-Ambroise area near Chemin de la Côte-Saint-Paul is brand spanking new. Few of them are stellar looking. I imagine this is what developers would like Montreal to turn into.
No 3: Block-wide condo building on St-Ambroise (part 2)
This block wide condo project on St-Ambroise in Saint-Henri, near Chemin de la Côte-Saint-Paul, is one of many going on in the same area. Not a very good looking building. Behind and around it are more condos being built. On the opposite side of the street are more condos with red bricks (see below).
The basement units have railings which seem totally superfluous and they make the whole structure look like some sort of prison.
No 4: Block-wide condo building on St-Ambroise (part 3)
This block wide condo project on St-Ambroise in Saint-Henri, near Chemin de la Côte-Saint-Paul, is one of many going on in the same area. I don't know what there was there before, houses, factory or an empty lot.
No 16 and 17: Abandoned business on St-Ambroise
This business has been closed for some time. It's situated on St-Ambroise in Saint-Henri. As pictured in the google maps image below, it's just next to the empty garage I posted about a few weeks ago.
(image above: google streetview)
(image above: google maps)
No 18: New condo project on Butternut st
On Butternut street (cool name) in Saint-Henri an empty lot that most likely used to have a house or apartments, and was an empty for some time before a snazzy new condo building was built on its lot. I'm trying to figure out how the condos are divided within the structure but I still can't be 100% certain.
No 19: Canada Malt Plant
Nothing much to say except this abandoned factory in Saint-Henri is either a blight to some or a thing of decayed beauty. I say both. I wonder when they'll ever demolish it but then again it's such part of the Montreal landscape and the entire rusty structure is so oppressively spooky/creepy than it's going to be a sad day when it's gone. It's a good reminder of the past, something most people don't want to deal with.
No 20: Small house on Delinelle and Ste-Emilie
This new condo(?) building on the corner of Delinelle and Ste-Emilie replaced the old small house as seen in the two images from Google Streetview below. I like the new building. Red bricks, it's not overwhelming the corner and it's only two storeys. The back has terraces.
Those old small houses with siding are an endangered species.
No 21: New condo building on Delinelle st
New condo building on Delinelle in Saint-Henri, next to Acorn. When I took the photos, half of the condos were still empty. An empty lot was there, as seen in the image from Google Streetview.
No 22: Half burned building on Therien
This building on Therien in Saint-Henri, built just a few years ago, is an odd thing: half of it was burned and is empty will the other half is occupied. I don't know if I would like to live in such a place.
The land next to it is still empty.
The Google streetview image above (from rue Delinelle) shows how it was just a few years ago from the back. They haven't fixed it since. The empty lot before it is now occupied with a new condo building, as seen in the post above.
No 24: New condo building on Beaudoin and St-Ambroise
This new condo project going on on the corner of Beaudoin and St-Ambroise is being built on the land where a fire gutted the house there. Google streetview scaptured the burned out shell which means the land has been empty since that time.
(image above and below: google streetview)
No 27: Vanishing small house on St-Philippe
A small house on St-Philippe in Saint-Henri was demolished and a new condo project was built on its land. I've been following this one for some time and the photos were taken during a couple of years.
(image above: google streetview)
(image above: google streetview)
No 29: Abandoned apartment on St-Philippe and Ste-Emilie
Nothing much to say except that this apartment, which is just a stone's throw away from the crumbling house, is boarded up and has been for some time. Someone was living there back when the google streetview image below was taken. I sense a new condo project.
No 28: New condo building on Ste-Marguerite
Completed condo building on Ste-Marguerite. It's built on an empty lot just next to a small house, one of those which are disappearing from Montreal neighborhoods and will probably be gone in a few years.
(image above: google streetview)
No 32: Delayed construction project on Ste-Marguerite
This construction project on Ste-Marguerite in Saint-Henri has been ongoing since forever. If you look at the before image from Google Streetview below, it shows the construction has been ongoing since that image was captured.
Also, I've never seen such an odd construction. What the hell is going on there?
(image above: google streetview)
No 33: Two buildings on Notre-Dame
The fate of these two buildings on Notre-Dame ouest, between Ste-Marguerite and Beaudoin in Saint-Henri, is unknown. The vintage one with the tavern was sold last spring and the tavern was closed and was still closed when I was in the neighborhood. Nice building and hopefully it will remain as is.
The building next to it is also for sale and the last time I was there it was still on the market. The stores were empty and the apartments looked empty too. I wouldn't surprise me if it was eventually demolished.
No 34: Pizza restaurant demolished for condos on Ste-Marguerite
A pizza restaurant was demolished on the corner of Ste-Marguerite and Notre-Dame in Saint-Henri. This is one of the fastest construction projects I've seen. The time between the third photo and the two first photos is just a couple of weeks.
(image above: google streeview)
No 35: New building on Aquin/Ste-Marguerite
New building on the corner of Ste-Marguerite/Aquin and Notre-Dame. There used to be an empty lot in that location.
(image above: google streetview)
No 36: New building on Aquin/St-Philippe and N.D.
New building built on an empty lot on the corner of Aquin/St-Philippe and Notre-Dame.
(image above: google streetview)
No 43: New condos on St-Augustin
New condos were built on St-Augustin where old house were destroyed by fire a couple of years ago.
Of all the condo projects I've seen, and I've seen many, this is one of the best. It's just gorgeous. I saw it when they were unfinished (4th photo) and thought meh but when I went there again this past summer, with all of the finishing touches and I went wow.
This new project is close to the new massive Samcon condo project on Maria street, which won't be as cool as this one.
(image above: google streetview)
No 36: New upcoming project?
The land next to the train tracks between the streets of St-Ferdinand and Maria st has recently been worked on. This is a huge piece of land and one can imagine what will be built there.
No 31: Abandoned building demolished on Louis-Cyr
Though you might not see it behind those trees and bushes stood a building that was recently demolished. The first time I came upon it a few years ago, when these photos were taken, I was surprised as the house or building was truly hidden behind a wild growth. It looked like fire hazard but it stood there for a couple of more years before its eventual demise.
No 37: Changes on St-Ferdinand
This building, on the corner of St-Ferdinand and Notre-Dame in Saint-Henri, will be demolished. There used to be a beauty shop there. No information on what's going to be built there but it's easy to assume.
No 41: Theatre Cartier: going through renovations
Nothing much to say except that the Theatre Cartier is currently going through some renovations. My source was recently there and said they were workers in hardhats and working on the balcony, throwing things down from it.
No 47: Empty, abandoned building on Rosa de Lima
This building has been empty for some time now. According to my source the building was apparently scheduled to be demolished last year but it's still standing. I guessed they've postponed it. These photos were taken last year. I was there this past summer and it was still empty.
No 42: Big new condo project on rue Maria
Huge Samcon condo project going on on Maria street in Saint-Henri. This area used to be in the middle of nowhere as it stands just next to some train tracks and some big empty space. Things changed certainly since they built the relatively new IGA. As you can see with this set of photos, I've been tracking this demolition/construction project for some time now.
Looking at Maria street from Augustin street. Above is after they demolished the building and below is when the structure was still standing.
The Samcon condo project is fairly big. Almost an entire block. There's a huge project going on in the blue area, where the interogation point is. I have no idea what's going on there but it's a big piece of land and it has been recently worked on.
The images below show what it looked like on Maria street before the demolition. All the photos below are from Google streetview. The image above is from Google maps.
No 44: New condo project on rue Laporte
This little bit of land on avenue Laporte in Saint-Henri will be a new construction site for condos. At this rate there won't be any empty space left in Montreal in a few years. They're going to fit a 6 condos building in that space? The beautiful trees will probably have to be cut down.
(Image from Google streetview)
N0 46: Demolition on rue Bourget
Demolition going on on Bourget street in Saint-Henri. The whole street used to be a work area with factories and such but now it's just condos and lofts.
(image: google streetview)
No 48: New office building on St-Jacques
This building on St-Jacques street in Saint-Henri is either going to be demolished or getting a major facelift if the artwork on the banner shows what it's going to look like there. This project is a bit of an anomaly as practically every factory and businesses in the area are being converted into condos or lofts but this project is office space. Hmm...
No 01: Turcot Interchange
This will all be gone one day. Just sharing photos.
No 26: Vanishing garages in Saint-Henri
A garage with a sizable piece of land on Ste-Marguerite st in Saint-Henri is gone replaced by a big, blocky condo building. The once open airy area is probably the most valued aspect of the former garage that was lost with this new building, making the street seem more narrow. Like the rest of Saint-Henri, there's lots of activity going on right now on Ste-Marguerite street. I think there are four or five new projects on that street alone.
(image above: google streetview)
(image above: google streetview)
No 25: Vanishing garages on St-Philippe
The "Service de Resorts St-Henri" on St-Philippe st in Saint-Henri has been replaced with a condo building. Just on the other side of the street there's another new condo building but there was a house there and not a garage.
(image above: google streetview)
This dilapidated shell of a garage is still standing on St-Ambroise st in Saint-Henri. It's been abandoned for some time now. The land next to it is massive which means that whenever the garage will go, and whatever they'll build there the project will be big. On the left of it was Construction Morival, which is also closed/abandoned.
(image above: google streetview)
The "Centre D'Auto Saint-Jacques" garage on Saint-Jacques street in Saint-Henri is gone making way for new condo project.The Before photo was taken last year and the After photo was taken last week.